Ceat is currently trading at Rs. 781.85, up by 18.75 points or 2.46% from its previous closing of Rs. 763.10 on the BSE. The scrip opened at Rs. 769.35 and has touched a high and low of Rs. 801.70 and Rs. 765.55 respectively. So far 212045 shares were traded on the counter.
MRF is currently trading at Rs. 31905.00, up by 270.20 points or 0.85% from its previous closing of Rs. 31634.80 on the BSE. The scrip opened at Rs. 31750.00 and has touched a high and low of Rs. 32270.00 and Rs. 31510.95 respectively. So far 2577 shares were traded on the counter.
JK Tyre & Industries is currently trading at Rs. 501.10, up by 20.50 points or 4.27% from its previous closing of Rs. 480.60 on the BSE. The scrip opened at Rs. 483.90 and has touched a high and low of Rs. 507.25 and Rs. 480.00 respectively. So far, 345687 shares were traded on the counter
Real Time News & Trading Trends Keep Liking #EpicResearch
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MRF is currently trading at Rs. 31905.00, up by 270.20 points or 0.85% from its previous closing of Rs. 31634.80 on the BSE. The scrip opened at Rs. 31750.00 and has touched a high and low of Rs. 32270.00 and Rs. 31510.95 respectively. So far 2577 shares were traded on the counter.
JK Tyre & Industries is currently trading at Rs. 501.10, up by 20.50 points or 4.27% from its previous closing of Rs. 480.60 on the BSE. The scrip opened at Rs. 483.90 and has touched a high and low of Rs. 507.25 and Rs. 480.00 respectively. So far, 345687 shares were traded on the counter
Real Time News & Trading Trends Keep Liking #EpicResearch
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For more information ✆ – 0731-6642300 or Visit http://ift.tt/1k8NnLH
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