Sunday 15 June 2014

What to expect next week......

SO......Iraq in turmoil...

Oil @ new 52 wk high @ $106.91 ( $107.68)

Gold @ $1274.10 (high $1278.00)

S&P 500 corrected 1.5% ?

Something is not adding up.......?

Because...there is "no disruption in oil production in Iraq" they are producing as much as before......thanks to futures manipulation we have panic in oil prices.....i bet it falls "dramatically" when everyone realizes the truth...

There is "no militant attack on Baghdad"......that takes out the "fear mongering by media"

Entire 48 hr trade should reverse in a hurry......

It is important to know the facts before believing "rating based biased media"

Iraq conflict is a local battle which erupted based on "representation issues"......that is why US is reluctant to deal with their self created mess.....ignore "significant minority & you will pay sooner or later"....

Back to market......

Next week it should be a very good all time highs all over......

SOX @ highs

Russell 2000 is in very good shape..

CMF @ yearly high @ 0.548

All of the above is telling us that TAPE did not believe the Iraq situation as grave.....thus a minor give back of 1.5%.......this after making series of new all time high......

It is important to understand that, we are in one of the-most powerful bull market ever & it is not easy to manipulate with make believe issues...even high powered computer with their pre programmed approach could not do any real damage.....high frequency trading is taking a back seat these is a slow but steady bull market.

Fed will be supportive of this market as they clearly see weakness in housing.

It is also important to believe in your stocks & positioning as market forces can pummel them @ will, but they all come back with time & conviction.

SO ...sit back & enjoy this bull market & ignore noise all around us be it Ukraine or Iraq.

BLOG does NOT give buy or sell.



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