Indian SHARE markets ended on lighter note on Thursday after a choppy trade through the day. The BSE Sensex ended up 32.12 points at 33,250.93 whereas NSE Nifty settled 5.8 points higher at 10,308.95. The shares of heavyweight companies viz ITC and HDFC emerged as the key draggers while a surge in RIL and ICICI Bank contributed the most in the Sensex gains. ICICI Bank, Reliance and Indiabulls Housing were the major gainers on Sensex and Nifty indices, while Bharti Airtel, ONGC and Coal India lost the most.
Gains were mainly seen in power stocks, consumer durables stocks and bank stocks while auto stocks and Pharma stocks finished in red.
Power generation stocks rose to a great extent. Reliance Infrastructure rose 3.35%, JP Ventures rose 2.63%, JSW Energy spurts 2.03%, GMR Infrastructure up 1.71%, Adani Power rose 1.33%, NTPC up 1.05%, Tata Power rose 0.78% and Reliance Power edged higher by 0.26% while NHPC down 0.89% and Torrent Power edged down by 1.74%, coal India down 1.56% Power Grid Corporation was down 0.62%.
About 1,485 shares rose against 1,211 falling shares on the BSE. On NSE, Out of 1,976 stocks traded wherein, 953 advances, against 712 declines, and 311 remained unchanged today.
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