Sunday, 26 April 2020

US market keep marching to its own drum.....

Now we are in the week of major earnings report, most will do as expected, some will exceed and some will miss......

Future guidance may not be as bad as expected as we are ready to open most economic activity starting in May, so it will be 1 full month June of activity.....

Market always looks ahead, so be wary of 48 hours view of some pundits...

We have almost seen the low point, so its gradual move up to full blast starting in July 2020...

China is well ahead of the world and is already open for full business, China is the one supplying majority of the mask for entire world already.....

Macau is in business

Las Vegas is rolling the dice


There is great optimism for North America opening up sometimes in May.....

SO..lets gear up and position for near term improvement from abyss.....

On a side note, it is year 14 for this BLOG, started this BLOG on April 15th, 2007......til this date have written 7,189 BLOG.......

Reach of this BLOG is worldwide and have daily visitors from @ least 15 countries, majority of my audience is in a huge thank you.....I did go to University Of Hawaii and met my wife from Nepal there on US East West Center 4 years all paid Scholarship.

My entire family, 4 brothers & 2 sisters with their children,  plus my mother live in USA.

Second most visitors are from Europe and they keep taking turns with most from Russia, Ukraine, UK, Germany, France, Portugal, Ireland and yes Canada always ties in 3rd a huge thank you for all nationalities all the way to Africa.....China, Hong Kong, India figure prominently....

I sincerely hope that my effort is worthy of your time and please keep visiting!

BLOG does NOT give buy or sell.



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