Friday, 9 August 2013

Climate Change: Not All Negative

We often mention the bad effects of climate change. And, 16 Of Your Favorite Things That Climate Change Is Totally Screwing Up lists many things you won't like seeing. But, there are businesses which can actually profit from climate change.

Here in Austin, TX, during the last seven summers, we have suffered through the six hottest seasons in history, so we definitely know climate change. Today, we took our car to our trusted car repair shop and found that business is booming. So many cars are breaking down under the new climate order that repair businesses are full up.

This concept may apply to all kinds of other businesses as well. Certainly, air conditioning units are selling well as places which never had a really hot day are having many of them. For instance, in the coldest city in Russia, temperatures recently set an all-time high of 82°F (a typical low in Austin, by the way). Young people in swimsuits were overjoyed as they engaged in a rare game of beach volleyball. Maybe there will be a real estate boom north of the Arctic Circle as people migrate to get away from the heat.


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