Friday, 9 August 2013

Market Remain volatile on Monday, get free trial for nifty call put option tips.

According to monthly report by SEBI, monthly turnover of derivative market at NSE decreased by 9% in JUNE 2013 while at BSE monthly turnoverrecovered. NSE registered a significant plunge in its call and put options on stocks in June.

NSE closed on Friday due toId-ul-fitr festival, Thursday closed with positive move at 5587.95 up 0.61% after choppy trading session. Nifty call option gained 7.58% and put option traded down 23.52% for current strike price.

Market is moving towards recovery, but slightly volatile. Open interest of future derivative take up movewith respect to price but trading volume declined. Market strengthened, RSI between 60-40 range.

IT sector traded positive due to weak Indian rupee against US dollar. BANK, FMCG, Oil & gas, infra and Realty strengthened while Pharma and PSU banks weakens.

Market expected to open positive on Monday, but Volatility remains. Nifty will take Resistance at 5612-5673 and down side support at 5552-5491.

Get 2 days free trial of call put option and future trading tips.


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